Sick Child Policy

We would love for everyone to be in the House of God, but there are circumstances whereby passing sickness to another family can really be detrimental. Furthermore, we have many that fall in the “at risk” category for all types of viruses. So, we ask that you keep sick children away from the Children’s Ministry environment.

We cannot accept a child into Children’s Ministry care that:

  • has a fever (children must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine before being allowed into the nurseries)
  • has vomited in the past 24 hours,
  • has had diarrhea in the past 24 hours,
  • has nasal drainage that is not clear,
  • is excessively coughing/hacking or sneezing,
  • has an infection and has not been on an antibiotic for at least 24 hours,
  • has a rash or skin infection,
  • is lethargic and not feeling well, or
  • seems to be coming down with something.